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Amazon Search Advantage: The Valley List SEO Tips

Amazon search

First things first, Amazon search is not a universal search engine (you can’t find answers to a medical journal or what the latest news trending are, it’s not Google). Its algorithms are similar to Google though it’s used for internal searches that lead to Amazon pages.

What’s the fuss about then? More people go straight to Amazon search to do certain types of shopping instead of starting with a google search. According to a study done on similar web on top shopping websites, 5 out of the top 10 websites are Amazon (USA #1, Germany #4, Japan #6, United Kingdom #7, India #10). With the average user spending over 6 minutes on their website don’t you think you should put your products in front of them? That’s a huge portion of the market share!

amazon website ranking compared to other online shopping websites

These figures tell us that Amazon search is becoming the Google of e-commerce. It means that if you sell something and you’re not on Amazon, you are missing out on all those potential customers. For example in person, Walmart is one of the leading shopping stores, however, when users get online, Amazon takes most of the traffic offering on average 10% lower prices and showing closer matches on the product that the user is looking for. Not to mention it’s shipped right to your door at no extra cost (with Prime membership of course).

If you are selling products and they are allowed on the Amazon marketplace you should be checking your competition and see if you can beat them out. If you do sell products that are a good fit for selling on Amazon be sure to include optimization for Amazon into your website SEO strategy.

Action plan:

  1. Run keyword research. To be more industry-wise, use Amazon itself to search for products similar to yours. Rank Tracker, for example, has Amazon Autocomplete keyword research tool that you can use for Free to check out keywords you think might perform well and give you insight as to why or why not.
  2. Make your item title & description efficient and user-friendly (+ smart use of keywords). Make sure that it includes the important keywords you found in step 1 and makes logical sense to a reader.
  3. Provide high-quality images. Everyone hates landing on a product and not being able to see the actual product. If you can afford to get your own product images taken it’s well worth it. Alternatively, you could try finding stock images or simply take the best photo you can on your own.
  4. Cater to “backend keywords” (or meta tags, if in Google’s terms). They tell Amazon algorithm that a specific item targets a specific keyword on the site which helps connect your products to the users that are searching for it.
  5. Track customers’ reviews and address complaints. After a user finds your product they are going to look at the product rating and if they see all 1-star, you’re probably not going to make the sale. If a customer has a complaint or issue, address it immediately to make sure you can ask for 5-star ratings on every sale.

In conclusion

Why not take advantage of the tools that you already have at your fingertips? If you want to have a high performing website and business you have to be competitive and get in front of potential customers! Use Amazon search to get the boost that you need. If you need help, Contact the Valley List and our professionals will get the work done when you don’t have the time to do it.

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